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On behalf of the administrators of The Rush Forum, I hereby present the 93rd Solar Federalist badge to liquidcrystalcompass...



LCC, you have assumed control....


user posted image


...of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist badge no. 093...


Congratulations! new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


LCC, your badge has been added to the Hallowed Hall, and below is a mini-badge that you can add to your sig, if you wish. Congrats to a quality poster!


BTW, your long-ass name with no breaks forced me to make a new, wider nameplate. Three o'clock in the morning and I'm cutting raw brass and waking the neighbors! wacko.gif




2.gif user posted image 2.gif


Thank you. I just now realized that I passed 2112 wacko.gif


I've thought about shortening the long name but nah........


Since I'm technically challenged, I'll try to add my mini badge a little later. This is cool. biggrin.gif

trink39.gif trink39.gif Congats LiquidCrystalCompass!!! Welcome the hallowed halls!!! cheer.gif cheer.gif

Way to go, liquidcrystalcompass!


trink39.gif Cheers to my fellow Mid-Citiesite and really cool guy! It's been a while since the last drunk dial call. tongue.gif BTW, guys, I know his REAL name and his man crush. (Don't worry, liquid. I won't tell anyone who doesn't pay upfront for this classified information. no.gif )


Rock on, mein froind! 653.gif


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