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On behalf of the administrators of The Rush Forum, I hereby present the tenth Solar Federalist Badge to Drumnut...his sanity has exited stage left, smile.gif but we love him anyway. He's been with us since the beginning...he brings laughter, drumming wisdom, and pictures of THE MAN to our site. As a proud member of the Rush Sisterhood, I bestow upon Drumnut the coveted Sisterhood Seal of Approval for his contributions to our cause. smile.gif




He's never afraid to wade into the political area---yet he's always a gentleman when giving his opinion. For these and all the other things you add to TRF, we salute you!


Drumnut, you have assumed control...


user posted image


...of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist Badge Number 010...TRF love Animal!!! wink.gif




To one of my favorite members.... Congrats!!!!!


Animal would be so proud. <sniff>


Lifting a very full glass, and tilting it back. trink38.gif


A post from Drumnut is always awesome!!


trink39.gif trink39.gif trink39.gif

Outstanding! Congratulations to you, sir! Well done, indeed! trink39.gif common001.gif applaudit.gif 653.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif cocktail.gif
*woohoo* Awesome Possum, WTG ANIMAL!!!! AGP THINK ANIMAL VERY FUNNY POSTING CRITTER!!! 653.gif 653.gif

Jesus tapdancing Christ on a pogo stick. How many more are we gonna have this week?


With that said...


Way to go nut. trink38.gif 653.gif cool10.gif trink39.gif yes.gif 1287.gif bncegrn.gif cheer.gif common001.gif applaudit.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif goodpost.gif NeilFinal.gif

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S NeilFinal.gif D R U M N U T ! ! ! ! ! !


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