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On behalf of the administrators of The Rush Forum, I hereby present the twelfth Solar Federalist Badge to Jack Aubrey, that will o' the wisp of the bounding main, masterful moderator of the movie house, perspicuous political pundit smile.gif and gentleman of true conviction, warm spirit, and razor sharp wit.


Jack, you have assumed control...


user posted image


of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist Badge Number 012...keep up the brilliant insights and laughs, Jack...oh, and...nevermind manuevers...always go straight at 'em.



Congrats Jack, get busy with the facts, no zodiacs or almanacs or maniacs in polyester slacks. Just the facts, gonna kick some gluteous max, its a paralax ya dig???? tongue.gif

This is a good time to give props to the man with the plan...this exchange happened a few months ago:


QUOTE (1-0-0-1-0-0-1 @ Sep 27 2004, 08:51 PM)

What shall we do when someone reaches the 2112 level? Any suggestions?

QUOTE (RushRevisited @ Sep 27 2004, 08:58 PM)

A medallion with the starman?

QUOTE (Jack Aubrey @ Sep 27 2004, 09:51 PM)
OK, 'Solar Federalist'. 'Federalist' reminds me of an authority figure or gov't agent. How about a badge with an image of the sun on it? The first SF can have badge number 001, the second 002, etc. Here's an image of a badge with the shape I had in mind:


Or, we can assume that when the solar federation arrived, they arrived in spaceships. How about if we took an image of the Rocinante from 'That Darn Dragon' and changed the color or something like that?


As you can see, after RR's initial idea, Jack pretty much described the badge you see today. I may of done the Photoshop work, but it was Jack's vision:

user posted image

For that, we thank you, Mr. Aubrey! Your badge has been added to the Hallowed Hall, and a badge has been added to your sig. Congrats!



Congrats, Jack. Glad I discovered your movie house. I can see you work very hard to run it right. Keep up the great work.

W O O - H O O ! ! ! C O N G R A T S new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif J A C K ! !




WOW - I did not realize it was time for this again already!!! AWESOME!!! JACK!!!





Much congrats, Jack!!!


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Excellent!!!!!! #12 too, that is a cool number for the 2112 badge!!!! Tight!!!!!!!! Good posting. trink39.gif

Well Done Jack....2-1-1-2 laugh.gif


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Captain Sir, wear the badge with pride. biggrin.gif


Congrats Jack.

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