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On behalf of the administrators of TRF, I hereby present the twenty-ninth Solar Federalist badge to Chasartymac---player of spades, baseball coach extraordinaire smile.gif, finder of awesome smileys, newly crowned Mod of the Totem Poll, and owner of the heart of NPG. heart.gif Chas, you (along with your compatriots there across the pond) make TRF quite the continental outfit...your sophistication, your charming use of the English vernacular wink.gif , your disgusting mushy peas and chips, your freaky baby avatar laugh.gif ... Your knowledge of all things Rush is impressive; your caring and generous spirit impresses us even more. I can see why a certain Tennessee lady has fallen head over heels... wub.gif


Chas, you have assumed control...


user posted image


of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist Badge Number 029....Rush built a bridge clear across the Atlantic to lead you to your true love, AND that in turn brought you to TRF! Damn...those guys are good! Congratulations to a true English gent who brought the phrase "well, bugger me backwards with a barge pole" into my life...that contribution alone deserves a badge. smile.gif


Here we go, Chas! Sorry for the delay.


Congrats! Your badge will be added to the Hallowed Hall, and I'll get my underling to add an itty bitty one to your sig.




QUOTE (GhostGirl @ May 7 2005, 09:38 PM)
Congrats!  Your badge will be added to the Hallowed Hall, and I'll get my underling to add an itty bitty one to your sig.


I have done the unthinkable...


Added the mini badge to your sig BY MYSELF!!!! Alert the media!!! biggrin.gif


Your plaque resides in the Hallowed Hall, as well.


(1-0-0-1 and RR are gonna be so proud of their little GG... At least they damn well better be. icon_really_happy_guy.gif)

Chas says his thanks, esp. to you GG. He wants to leave the 2112 posts in tact for a bit, but he is very moved by your post and proud to have his badge. smile.gif
Thanks, NPG and Happy. Luckily, around here, there are lots of great subjects about whom to write.
All right, Chas! Good on ya, mate!

Awesome job, Chasartymac!! trink39.gif




WTG Chas! trink39.gif Keep posting


653.gif common001.gif common001.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


Three cheers across the North sea for ya

trink39.gif trink39.gif trink39.gif


Flippin' Nora, WOW, people. I'm touched, really I am.


First of all let me apologise for the delay in responding but I just wanted to leave 2112 as the post count for a while. http://img117.exs.cx/img117/9585/q9crolleyes.gif


GhostGirl, what can one say about that little intro you gave. It blew me away and quite frankly gave me a lump in my throat.http://img52.exs.cx/img52/271/l9iblush.gif. Thank you so very much. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/hug.gif


Invisibleairwaves. Thanks goes to you too cos I was post whoring like crazy the other day and you were the one giving me the chance to keep posting. http://img116.exs.cx/img116/1231/z7shysterical.gif. Don't forget, http://img103.exs.cx/img103/171/smxtra1ag.gif . Further more my man, I need the answer to this equation by 6pm my time. http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/cc34.gif laugh.gif



http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/010104_emZ9_prv.gif You're the best, and the reason I am even posting still on the internet. I only came on to get info about Alex, and look what I got as well. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/bevelheadgrl/thud.gif. laugh.gif Any further luvvy remarks can be found in the Shack as an ongoing haven of Lurve. http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/11_1_207.gif


Finally. Thanks to everyone else, far too many to mention all by name but you all are stars as far as I'm concerned.

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-039.gif http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-038.gif http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-049.gif http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-038.gif http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/sehrgrosse/large-smiley-039.gif


For topical discussion,

http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/argue.gif http://img62.exs.cx/img62/2879/silly30gn.gif http://alamak.com.sg/i/Shutup.gif


for muckin about and having a laugh,

http://fool.exler.ru/sm/nzd.gif http://fool.exler.ru/sm/alc.gif

to solving problems, mysteries

http://fool.exler.ru/sm/out.gif http://my.opera.com/forums/images/smilies/detective.gif


and fixing love lives,

http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/comfort.gif http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/liebe/love-smiley-084.gif


The Rush Forum is the place to be.





http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA55_prv1.gif http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA55_prv1.gif http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/torta.gif http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA55_prv1.gif http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA55_prv1.gif




Just caught site of this thread. You have so much to celebrate at this place everyday, but this week has also seen the Mod spot and the badge.


Much congrats to someone who is a huge part of TRF's central nervous system. You help shape this place into what it is today, and you do it on a daily basis.


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