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On behalf of the administrators of The Rush Forum, it is with great pleasure that I hereby present the forty-first Solar Federalist badge to Digital Man...my very dear friend heart.gif who handles himself and his life with more integrity and dedication than anyone I know. Presenting this badge is emotional for me, as I've come to know and love Scott over the past year, and feel that I've shared in his life, even if in small ways. He is a trusted friend to me and others, a gracious host smile.gif and a loving and supportive father. I've been lucky enough to hang out with DM on three occasions, so I can say with authority that he is one of the coolest, most fun people I've ever been around. Oh, and a big Rush fan, and a most valued member of our mod squad too - these things are certainly worthy of mention, lest I forget what this post is about. laugh.gif


Digital Man, you have assumed control....


user posted image


...of The Rush Forum's Solar Federalist badge no. 041...DM, your force field is holding stronger than ever, you've proven yourself even more worthy of all good things in life (like beer with snotty names, and Patron, of course wink.gif)...I'm honored that I've been able to watch you rise up and fly into the light. Thank you for the example you set as a friend and a parent. wub.gif


Congratulations, my friend.


CONGRATULATIONS, Digital Man. You're a real class act and a great friend to all of us here. You're a thoughtful and intelligent guy and always supportive in the NWW threads. Thanks for the virtual Patron.


Here's to you, my friend! trink39.gif


heart.gif SS

Congrats DM!! Lifting a glass to you. trink38.gif

Way to Go DM!


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Awesome DM! common001.gif common001.gif new_thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Well done trink39.gif


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Thanks to everyone for your kind words, this is truly is an awesome place to hang out. You have all helped me thru some rough times over the past year whether you know it or not.


Sully - One day we will meet & have a real shot of Patron


1-0-0-1 - It takes class to recognize it in others, bro


RR - Same goes for me, just say the word


Belle - You are an amazing parent yourself, & a valued friend.


I raise a toast of my 2 favorites to all of you for making this a place worth coming back to over & over & over & over & over & over




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